


Speech in Oral comm

                                                                            Helping People     Are we obligated to help others? Why do we need to help others? Is that our obligation? Or because we should help others when they need our help? Is that our responsibility? That is the big question to all of us.    As a christian and a senior high school student, I usually help others when they needed a help. Because my parents taught me when I was a little girl and until now. When I see a person who is in critical situation and need a help I obliged to help them, because when you give help to someome in need, you facilitate strong enrouragement, show kindness and giving positive advises to live happier.    I had a lot of experinces that m many persons, especially my f...


       Hello everyone, My name is Angela Delos Reyes. You can call me "Gel" or "Angel" it's up to you. I'm 17 years of age. My birthday is July 27. I lived at Blk. 37 lot. 19 Buklod Bahayan Tartaria Silang Cavite. Right now I'm taking Culinary Arts at STI College Santa Rosa Laguna. My previous school is at Santo Domingo National High school. My father's name is Henry Delos Reyes and My Mother's name is Viva Jane Delos Reyes. I have 3 sisters they are Andrea Delos Reyes, Allysa Delos Reyes and April Delos Reyes. I love to dance. Before I hate to dance. But suddenly when I started to joined Zumba. I feel like I'm a Famous Dancer, That's why I loved to Dance. Every Tuesday and Friday I have a Zumba Class at Vista Mall Santa Rosa. Because every time I danced a Zumba my body gets more energy. And Last I played Volley ball. When I was in Elementary I joined a Sports fest after the sports fest I became a Varsity player of my Elementary School...