Speech in Oral comm


                                                                      Helping People

    Are we obligated to help others? Why do we need to help others? Is that our obligation? Or because we should help others when they need our help? Is that our responsibility? That is the big question to all of us.

   As a christian and a senior high school student, I usually help others when they needed a help. Because my parents taught me when I was a little girl and until now. When I see a person who is in critical situation and need a help I obliged to help them, because when you give help to someome in need, you facilitate strong enrouragement, show kindness and giving positive advises to live happier.

   I had a lot of experinces that m many persons, especially my family I always help them to do a house hold chores to make easier to us. Also to my friends I helped them when they have a problems, I give them an advise. And I know many people faces many problems, but I know that is only a challenge. Just think positive.

   For me when you help someone who needed your help, that is very great feeling in your life, because when you helped someone and you have additional good attitude in God's eyes and people will notice that you are generous. As a result, they probably be generous to you. And I believe that "the way you treat others, is the way you treated".


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